
Meditating man

After living at Summit for only a short time, I have more hope and light in my life than I have known in a great many years.  The positive atmosphere  and structure I have found here at this beautiful location provide a safe place geared toward healing those with the disease of addiction.  The residents and staff have been warm, open, and welcoming from the very start.  From day one I have been made to feel very much at home among others afflicted with the same addictions as myself.  

Summit has taken me by the hand and guided me back toward sobriety and having a happy, healthy life again.  I can’t thank them enough, and I would recommend Summit Coastal Living to anyone who is trying to free themselves from the prison of drug and alcohol addiction.

– Garry H. 


hope-in-sandI have the pleasure of being a current resident at Summit Coastal Living, and for this opportunity I’m truly grateful.  I’m extremely selective in my living arrangements, and SCL far exceeds my expectations in so many ways. 

As if the amazing Southern California location weren’t enough, it’s a short walk to the beach, and the living arrangements are extremely comfortable with designer furnishings throughout.  It’s an environment that simply feels like home.  My fellow housemates are clean, responsible, and so much fun to be around.  I’m very happy that I chose Summit Coastal Living!

– Josh W.


two-friends-having-a-chat-at-sunset-at-a-beach-f4Ever since I moved into Summit Coastal Living, I feel I have taken my life back.  I was living alone in a studio apartment very early in sobriety.  When I returned from work in the evening I would quickly begin to feel isolated and alone only to realize I was increasingly walking around angry and sad.  

I surrendered to the fact that I needed a change quickly.  Getting into action led me to “Summit Coastal Living” which I now call home.  I have the highest respect for my housemates whom I consider friends.  I couldn’t have asked for a more convenient location in Costa Mesa.  We are all able to leave for work in the morning and return at the end of the day to a clean quiet house and get the rest we need.  I realize now more than ever that a house of peers who are serious about their recovery works!  This is what I have found today at “Summit.”

– JR